In Livno, from 9th to 13th June of 2014 the Project Academy was held, which involved 15 participants, including representatives of the Government of Livno Canton, municipalities Tomislavgrad, Livno, Kupres, Glamoc, Bosnia Grahovo, Drvar and the representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are active in the area of Canton 10.

During the five-day program of the Project Academy, participants were trained on the following topics: Understanding the European Union, Financial assistance programs and EU funds, Making proposals to the Project Cycle Management (PCM - Project Cycle Management) and Filling applications for EU funds. The work program provides for intensive training with participants focusing on the selection and development of project ideas and produce quality project proposals, with a view to strengthening the capacity of local staff and public institutions and NGOs in Canton 10, in order to take advantage of the opportunities that the EU currently provides BiH.

After the first day of training, all participants expressed their satisfaction and stressed that their expectations are fulfilled with respect to a comprehensive program of work, but also on the high-quality of teachers, who transmit their own experience with concrete examples of projects that have been financed with EU funds. After successfully attendance at the program, participants became members of the Club of the Project Academy. They will meet periodically to exchange the latest information on the availability of donor funds to which they can apply and share experiences from existing EU funds. The launched education is being realized in the framework of the project entitled "Application of the concept of human security in order to stabilize communities in Canton 10", implemented by UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF and IOM in partnership with the Government and the municipalities of the Canton 10, the Red Cross, the Cantonal Centre for Social Welfare, and local civil society organizations, and funded by the UN Fund and the Government of the Canton 10th. The goal of the project is to improve and stabilize the economic, social and other disadvantages that particularly affect the position of socially disadvantaged groups in Canton 10.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has focused project activities on strengthening the capacity of government officials and NGOs to further develop knowledge and skills in understanding and accession to the available donor funds in BiH. The overall implementation of the project will contribute to strengthening the capacity of cantonal and municipal governments, and NGOs to provide social services to reduce the personal and social insecurity, strengthening the capacity of the education system, cantonal and municipal authorities in preventing discrimination and violence, improving the readiness of critical areas in Canton 10 to respond to the risks and threats to community safety and equal access to employment opportunities and the economic viability of the priority areas.