On 16 April 2012 in Tuzla (Aerodrom Dubrave Barracks), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising an opening ceremony of the Tuzla Center for Recruitment and Transition as part of the NATO-PERSPEKTIVA Programme. This will be the fourth Center for Recruitment and Transition to be established in addition to the three existing Centers that are located in Rajlovac/Sarajevo, Čapljina and Banja Luka. Activities at the Center include individual counselling aimed at developing a tailor made individual reintegration plan as well as support to the reintegration process of assisted individuals.

The goal of the NATO–PERSPEKTIVA Programme is to strengthen the process and positive impact of defence reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina; to provide support for the social reintegration into civilian life of approximately 3,000 members of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina who, due to the legislative limitation of 35 years of age, can no longer take part in active military service.