On 13 March, a team for orthopaedic surgery from Bosnia and Herzegovina comprised of three orthopaedic surgeons, an anaesthesiologist, and an operating theatre technician will be leaving for Sweden to receive specialized training. The orthopaedic surgeons, who are part of IOM’s Swedish Medical Programme, will be attending an advanced course in arthroscopic surgery in Are from 15 to 19 March, while the remaining team members will be receiving practical training in Stockholm. After the training, members of the team will remain in Sweden in order to gain practical experience in advanced arthroscopic surgery techniques.

Since 1995, IOM’s Swedish Medical Programme has worked to build the capacity of local medical institutions by providing on-the job training and knowledge exchange through visits by Swedish medical teams, who perform complicated surgeries in Bosnia and Herzegovina with local counterparts, and by having doctors from Bosnia and Herzegovina attend trainings in Sweden.