
Youth in Bugojno developed a project “Mjesec dana za veliki ekran"


Mladi u Bugojnu su razvili projekat "Mjesec dana za veliki ekran“ čiji cilj je ponovno pokretanje kina u Bugojnu. Realizacija ovog projekta započeta je sa dvije panel diskusije koje su održane u Omladinskom centru Bugojno. Prva panel diskusija je održana sa srednjoškolcima koji su istakli zašto im je važno da se ponovo pokrene kino u njihovom gradu kao i da se sve više mladih zalaže za aktivne produkcije filmova u sklopu Kulturno-sportskog centra Bugojno. Istakli su i kako smatraju da film daje znanje i moć te omogućava razvoj individue što ovaj projekat čini veoma važnim. Drugoj panel diskusiji prisustvovali su predstavnici vlasti koji su imali priliku govoriti o tome šta je lokalna vlast dosad uradila u cilju ponovnog pokretanja kina u Bugojnu, kakav je nivo kulturnih dešavanja u gradu, a kakva zainteresovanost mladih, te šta se općenito čini po pitanju poboljšanja života mladih.

Svi akteri su pohvalili IOM metodologiju rada sa mladim ljudima, posebno jer se mladima daje šanse da oni budu ti koji vode kompletan proces od početka do kraja i na taj način kreiraju promjene u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici.

Na panel diskusijama su učestvovali predstavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola, direktori javnih preduzeća, predstavnici Općine Bugojno kao i Asocijacije srednjoškolaca lokalnog tima općine Bugojno.

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta ''Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini'' kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


Youth in Bugojno developed a project “Mjesec dana za veliki ekran" that aims at re-launching the cinema in Bugojno. The realization of this project started with two panel discussions held at the Youth Center Bugojno. The first panel discussion was held with high school students who pointed out why it is important for them to re-launch the cinema in their town as more and more young people plead for active film productions within the Cultural and Sports Centre Bugojno. They also emphasized their feeling that film gives knowledge and power and enables the development of individuals what makes this project very important. The second panel discussion was attended by representatives of the authorities who had the opportunity to talk about what the local government has so far done in order to restart the cinema in Bugojno, what is the level of cultural events in the city, at which level is the youth's interest and what is generally done about improving the lives of young people.

All the actors praised the IOM methodology of working with young people, especially since young people are given the chance to be the ones leading complete process from beginning to end and thus create changes in their local community.

Panel discussions were attended by representatives of primary and secondary schools, directors of public enterprises, representatives of the municipality of Bugojno as well as the Association of high school students of Bugojno municipality.

This activity is part of the project "Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by IOM and financially supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.