
Border police of BiH strengthened with new police officers

(Sarajevo, 27 May 2024) – The Border police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has organised the solemn ceremony of taking oath by the 11th class of cadets of this law police agency. The basic police training, of the first level, in the agency for training and professional development was attended by 98 cadets of the Border police of BiH, and attained the rank of ‘police officer’. The oath was previously taken by 22 cadets in the rank of ‘junior inspector’. Training of these 120 cadets was facilitated thanks to the financial support of European Union and this is only a part of the continuous support of the European Union to the Border police of BiH.


The Director of Border police of BiH, Mirko Kuprešaković, in his addressing to the public and new cadets, has highlighted that the employment of young people, who took the oath and assumed their responsibilities today, is priceless:

“Police job is a call which requires ample sacrifice and commitments, and we shall provide our maximum so that you may have necessary working conditions, because it is only the satisfied police officer that can provide quality job and be at service to the citizens. Border police needs professional young people, which will do everything possible to preserve stable and safe environment, and I am so glad that you are exactly such people, and as such that you greatly contribute to the safety of all our citizens, as well as strengthening capacities of the Border police of BiH”, director Kuprešaković has highlighted and thanked European Union and IOM for their continuous support and strengthening of the material and technical capacities of the Border police of BiH, who have also supported the training of this class with the multimillion amounts from the EU IPA funds.

Mirko Kuprešaković

H.E. Johann Sattler, Chief of Delegation of the European Union to BiH and Special Representative of the EU to BiH has also addressed the public and pointed out that the border control and migration management are among the conditions set within the context of EU integration.

“European Union financing the training of the 11th class of the Border police of BiH is yet another proof of our commitment to supporting national authorities in efficient migration management. In course of last six year, European Union has been providing 20 million EUR annually aimed at strengthening the system of migration management and border control in BiH. Our financial assistance to training of young cadets is only a part of support to the Border police of BiH. We have previously provided specialised equipment for the border supervision, communication equipment, vehicles, IT equipment, and we shall also finance the training of the next, 12th class of the Border police”, Ambassador Sattler stated.


Deputy Minister of Security of BiH, Ivica Bošnjak, in his addressing the public stated that it is a great success to stand in front of the lined up force made of 98 future police officers, men and women, who were trained to assume important tasks of keeping borders and security in BiH.

“This is a great joint success. And we can be proud of it. After a long delay, we continue with the reinforcement of the Border police of BiH with young staff. This is exceptionally important, not only due to the shortage of staff in the Border police of BiH, but also as it gives a chance to young people who will in the coming years make the foundations for fighting all forms of cross-border crime. We would like to thank the European Union  for recognising this problem and financially supported this training”, Bošnjak added.


The solemn ceremony was attended also by Laura Lungarotti, Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to BiH and Coordinator for Western Balkan.

“IOM is proud for being able to attend the admission of new cadets to the Border police, who will take their official oath today. IOM will continue with its engagement on strengthening the capacities of the Border police, so that the Agency for training and professional development may have its capacity to train additional 150 students within support coming for the EU”, Laura Lungarotti, Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to BiH and Coordinator for Western Balkan said.


Following the successfully completed training and taking the oath, new cadets have signed their respective contracts to start working for the Border police of BiH.

The best cadet of the class was Vanja Vuković-Zubac, who said: “The training was comprehensive. We have acquired necessary knowledge to perform police duties. We are ready to face all challenges and care for the safety of all citizens in.”


The training, worth 450,000 EUR was made possible within the project “Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in BiH” through the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) financed by the European Union, and implemented by the International Organization for Migration. The support will be continued through financing of the 12th class of 150 cadets in the forthcoming period. Within this project, European Union shall continue providing significant support through the procurement of equipment, capacity building, and provision of professional assistance to the Ministry of Security, Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, Border police and Sector for Asylum, Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies in BiH, and other institutions and agencies responsible for this sector.

SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions