
"Young Town - ideas for the future"


Jablanica nastavlja sa uspješnim Dijalozima u zajednici. Dvadeset mladih razvilo je projektnu ideju „Mlad grad – ideje za budućnost“ i potpisalo ugovor za njenu implementaciju. Tako će u narednom periodu u Jablanici, uz veliku pomoć lokalne zajednice, mladi organizovati trening za korištenje informacionih tehnologija za programiranje i razvoj biznisa, te Start-up vikend na kojem će mladi učiti kako doći od ideje do biznisa. Najboljima će biti pružena mogućnost da uz pomoć organizacija u zajednici pokrenu vlastiti biznis ili sudjeluju u zajedničkom poduhvatu.
Edukacije će pratiti volonterske akcije, pa će mladi kroz projekat urediti gradsku biblioteku i zelenu površinu ispred biblioteke i nekoliko omladinskih oraganizacija koje koristi veliki broj djece i mladih, te postaviti prvu pametnu klupu u Jablanici sa porukom da mladi žele da rade i stvaraju bolje uslove za život u Jablanici.
Ove aktivnosti dio su projekta „Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“, kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.
Jablanica continues with successful Dialogues in the community. Twenty young people developed the project idea "Young Town - ideas for the future" and signed a contract for its implementation. In the coming period, in Jablanica, with the great help of the local community, young people will organize training for the use of information technologies for programming and business development, and Start-up weekend where young people will learn how to get from idea to business. Best will have an opportunity to launch their own business or participate in a joint venture with the help of community organizations.
Voluntary actions will follow educations, and through the project young people will improve the city library, the green area in front of the library and several youth organizations that are hubs for large number of children and youth. Next to green area they will place first smart bench in Jablanica with a message that young people want to work and create better conditions for life in Jablanica.
These activities are part of the project „Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans“, implemented by IOM, and financially supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.