
Young people from Tuzla started implementing the project idea "Upoznajmo se"


Proteklog vikenda, grupa od 30 mladih osoba iz Tuzle, započela je implementaciju projektne ideje "Upoznajmo se". Edukativni teambuilding trening održan je na destinaciji Hajdučke vode - Teslić. U edukativnom dijelu, mladi su uz pomoć stručnih osoba sa Edukacijsko - rehabilitacijskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli imali priliku da osmisle kreativne radionice za djecu i mlade sa intelektualnim poteškoćama sa kojima će se družiti u Tuzli u narednom periodu. U zabavnom dijelu su održane teambuilding igre: trka - nošenje jajeta u kašici, igre sa naočalama koje efektom pijanog stanja osobe ukazuju na opasnosti od takvog stanja, twister, music challenge, povlačenje konopca, te brojne druge društvene igre. Pobjednicima u igrama su uručene simbolične nagrade.

"Pamtit ću ovo iskustvo. Stekao sam nove prijatelje, a i mnogo sam naučio. Posebno mi se svidjela radionica koja nas je uputila u život djece i mladih sa intelektualnim poteškoćama. Ranije nisam razmišljao na ukazani način", rekao je jedan od učesnika projektne ideje.

Značajna podrška ovoj fazi projektne aktivnosti iskazana je od strane stručnih osoba, te pravnog lica LEFTOR - Web hosting.

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini", kojeg implementira IOM, a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


Last weekend a group of 30 young people from Tuzla started implementing the project idea "Upoznajmo se". Educational teambuilding training was held at the destination of Hajdučke vode in Teslić. In the educational part of the training young people, with the help of experts from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation of the University of Tuzla, had the opportunity to devise creative workshops for children and young people with intellectual disabilities with whom they will socialize in Tuzla in the coming period. The teambuilding game has been held in the fun part of this gathering: racing - carrying eggs in a spoon, games with glasses that show the effect of the drunken state of the person pointing to the dangers of such a state, twister, music challenge, tug of war, and numerous other social games. The winners of the games have been awarded symbolic prizes.

"I'm going to remember this experience. I've gained new friends and learned a lot. I especially liked the workshop that referred us to the lives of children and young people with intellectual disabilities. I did not think in a way that’s pointed out to us before”, said one of the participants in the project idea.

Significant support for this phase of project activity is provided by the professionals and the legal entity LEFTOR - Web hosting.

This activity is part of the project "Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by IOM and supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.