
Workshop on stigmatization of persons with mental health problems

As part of the project Preventiva, during the 16 and 17 September 2015, workshops were held in the Kozara barracks in Banja Luka and Dubrave barracks near Tuzla on the topic of stigmatization of people with mental disorders.

Speakers at the workshop were Mr. Milan Latinovic, Assistant Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Srpska, and Ms. Vesna Ležaja, Senior advisor for mental health and psycho-social assistance in the Command for Personnel Management in Banja Luka, who presented to workshop participants three themes: Mental health and prevention of mental health, Psychosomatic disorders and Stigmatization of people with mental disorders.

The workshops were organized with the aim of breaking the stigma in the military population and prevention of mental health. The workshops were attended by 100 members of the Armed Forces of BiH, and it is planned that these workshops will be held in the barracks in Rajlovac and Čapljina in the following period.