
"Understanding the reasons that lead a person to abandon his or her own country and beloved ones helps us have a more humane approach to our work"


“Razumijevanje razloga koji dovode do toga da neko napusti vlastitu zemlju, ali i voljene osobe, pomaže nam da imamo humaniji pristup svome poslu”

U Crnoj Gori je 8. i 9. novembra 2018. godine održan seminar na temu kulturološke kompetencije i svjesnosti na kojem su prisustvovali sudije, tužitelji i pravni stručnjaci sa Zapadnog Balkana. Sa vrhunskim stručnjacima iz regiona govorilo se o Hawala sistemu, sistemu plaćanja koji ne ostavlja skoro nikakve tragove, ali i o tome kako poznavanje jezika i kulturološke pozadine može biti ključno u osiguravanju ispravnih informacije. 

Radionica je organizovana zahvaljujući podršci U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration 


"Understanding the reasons that lead a person to abandon his or her own country and beloved ones helps us have a more humane approach to our work"

Montenegro, 8-9 November 2018, Seminar on Cultural Competence and Awareness for judges, prosecutors and legal experts from the Western Balkans: With top professionals from the region, we talked about the Hawala system, a payment mechanism that leaves almost no written trace, and discussed how knowing the language and cultural background of a witness can be key in securing correct information. 

The workshop was organized with the support of the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration