
Training "Strengthening Parental Skills" held in Zenica


Roditelji iz Zenice ponovo su se okupili na treningu “Jačanje roditeljskih vještina” kako bi uz trenere savladavali i usvajali nove vještine, znanje i metode koje su korisne u radu sa djecom koja su izložena raznim lošim utjecajima okoline i društva u određenoj životnoj dobi. Posebna pažnja na ovoj radionici posvećena je shvatanju pojma komunikacije, odgojnim stilovima, razvoju djece i mladih, te povezanosti ovih pojmova sa neprilagođenim ponašanjem. 

I ovaj put, treneri su bili roditelji koji su prethodno i sami pohađali ovaj trening, a sada stečeno znanje prenose na druge roditelje. 

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH", kojeg implementira IOM, a podržava je Vlada Velike Britanije.


Parents from Zenica gathered again participating in training "Strengthening Parental Skills" in order to, with the help of their trainers, master and adopt new skills, knowledge, and methods useful when working with children exposed to various negative influences of their surrounding and society in a certain age. Special attention was dedicated to the comprehension of the communication, parenting styles, development of children and young people, and the connection of these to unaccustomed behavior. 

This was another time when trainers were parents who participated in this training previously, and now they transfer the knowledge they gained to other parents. 

This activity is part of the project “Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.