
“Trafficking in Human Beings and Migrant Smuggling in Mixed Migration Flows”


Sudije i tužioci su se okupili na seminaru u Tesliću 17 i 18. aprila da razgovaraju o izazovima pri identifikaciji i procesuiranju žrtava trgovine ljudima među migrantskom populacijom. Seminar “Trgovina ljudima i krijumčarenje migranata u mješovitim migracijskim tokovima” organizovao je IOM BiH u saradnji sa Centrima za edukaciju sudija i tužioca FBiH i RS te OSCE-a, a podržan je od strane Američke vlade u sklopu projekta “Jačanje kapaciteta i mehanizama za identifikaciju i zaštitu ranjivih migranata na Zapadnom Balkanu - faza III“.
Judges and prosecutors gathered in Teslic to learn and discuss about the challenges of identifying and processing human trafficking and smuggling cases among the migrant population. The seminar “Trafficking in Human Beings and Migrant Smuggling in Mixed Migration Flows” was organized by IOM in collaboration with the Centers for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the FBiH and RS and OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 17-18 April. The event was supported by U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration through the project “Enhancing Capacities and Mechanisms to Identify and Protect Vulnerable Migrants in the Western Balkans – PHASE III”.