
Third workshop with informal group of parents


Da su ustrajni u svojim planovima dokaz je i radionica koju su održali članovi neformalne grupe roditelja iz Bužima. Treća po redu radionica je održana u OŠ „Konjodor“. Okupljenim članovima Vijeća roditelja i drugim gostima članovi neformalne grupe roditelja su prezentirali svoj dosadašnji rad i buduće planove. Kroz prezentaciju odgojnih stilova, prisutni su mogli unaprijediti svoje znanje o roditeljstvu, kao i razmijeniti svoja lična iskustva.

O uspješnosti radionice govori to da su prisutni roditelji izrazili želju za dodatnim predavanjima na temu roditeljstva, kao i spremnost podrške i uključenja radu ove neformalne grupe roditelja.

Ova aktivnost se realizira u sklopu projekta „Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“ kojeg implementira IOM uz podršku Vlade Velike Britanije.


The workshop, which was held by members of the informal group of parents from Bužim, is proof that they are persistent in their plans. Third workshop in a row was held in the elementary school "Konjodor" .
The members of informal group of parents presented their work and future plans to the gathered members of the Parents' Council and other guests . Through the presentation of parenting styles, the attendees could improve their knowledge about parenting, as well as exchange their personal experiences.

The fact that the gathered parents expressed their wish for additional lectures on parenting, as well as the willingness to support and involve into the work of this informal group of parents, proves that the presentation was successful.

This activity is realized within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by IOM with the support of British Embassy Sarajevo