
"Strengthening Parental Skills" workshop held in Bugojno


Tokom dva dana edukacije “Jačanje roditeljskih vještina", koja je održana u Omladinskom centru Bugojno, roditelji su imali priliku da čuju o različitim faktorima razvoja djece s posebnim fokusom na rizične faktore koji mogu usmjeriti djecu prema delikventim ponašanjima, te kako ojačati roditeljske vještine u podršci razvoju samopouzdanja kod mladih kao jednom od važnih psiholoških razvojnih faktora.

Treneri na ovoj edukaciji bili su članovi neformalne grupe roditelja Bugojno "Roditelji za roditelje".

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini”, kojeg implementira IOM BiH, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


During the two days of "Strengthening Parental Skills" education, held at the Bugojno Youth Center, parents had the opportunity to hear about the different factors of development of children with a special focus on risk factors that can direct children towards delinquent behavior, and how to strengthen parental skills in supporting the development of self-confidence in young people as one of the important psychological development factors.

Trainers on this education were members of the informal group of parents of Bugojno "Parents for Parents".

This activity is part of the project "Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by the IOM and supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.