
"Strengthening Parental Skills" held in Bužim


U Bužimu je uspješno okončan ciklus od tri dvodnevne radionice za roditelje pod nazivom „Jačanje roditeljskih vještina“. Ovaj ciklus radionica vodili su treneri iz Bužima. Naime, dva člana neformalne grupe roditelja su nakon uspješno završene obuke za trenere, uspješno završili i svoj prvi trenerski ciklus. Učesnici radionica su zadovoljni prilikom koja im je pružena, te smatraju da će im znanje koje su stekli koristiti u odgoju njihove djece i radu sa mladima iz zajednice.
Ova aktivnost je dio projekta „Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“, kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržavaju USAID, Vlada Velike Britanije i ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.
A cycle of three two-day parenting workshops entitled "Strengthening Parental Skills" is successfully completed in Bužim. This cycle of workshops was moderated by trainers from Bužim. Namely, two members of the informal group of parents have successfully completed their first trainers’ session after completing training for trainers. Workshop participants are satisfied with the opportunity given to them and believe that they will use the knowledge they have acquired in their children's upbringing and working with young people from the community.
These activities are part of the project „Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, implemented by IOM, and financially supported by USAID Bosnia and HerzegovinaBritish Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.