Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM has had a presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1992.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. Across Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), IOM aims to prevent irregular migration, stop the trafficking of human beings, contribute to national development, and assist the BH Government to manage migration activities.
Cross-cutting (Global)
Cross-cutting (Global)
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- 2030 Agenda
Povodom požara u privremenom prihvatnom centru Miral
(Sarajevo, 01.juni 2019.)- U privremenom prihvatnom centru Miral u Velikoj Kladuši, u jutarnjim satima u 6:20 došlo je do požara na prvom spratu hale u kojoj se nalaze spavaonice za 247 migranata.
Osoblje Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM) koji borave u centru 24/7 i koji su obučeni da djeluju u kriznim situacijama, uspješno su evakuirali korisnike centra koji su se nalazili u požarom zahvaćenom dijelu zgrade.
Brzom intervencijom Vatrogasnih ekipa Velike Kladuše, požar je stavljen pod kontrolu i ubrzo nakon toga potpuno je ugašen.
28 osoba ukupno je zadobilo povrede, 19 ih je prebačeno u kantonalnu bolnicu u Bihać, 8 je ostalo na daljnjem tretmanu i liječenju, dvije osobe su zadobile ozbiljnije povrede, ali su trenutno, prema informacijama dežurnog ljekara, van životne opasnosti. Srećom nije bilo smrtno stradalih, također niko od osoblja IOM-a nije povrijeđen.
Osoblje IOM-a i partneri rade da osiguraju migrantima i izbjeglicama, koji su bili smješteni u dijelu objekta koji je zahvaćen požarom, smještaj i ostale neophodne usluge. Dodatno osoblje je na raspolaganju ukoliko bude potrebno kako bi se dio Centra što prije vratio u funkciju.
Objekat posjeduje detaljan plan evakuacije u slučaju požara i drugih incidentnih situacija. Opremljen je funkcionalnim hidrantskim postrojenjem te posjeduje oko 30 aparata za gašenje požara prema planu protivpožarne zaštite.
Uzroci požara još nisu evidentirani, profesionalna ekipa Vatrogasne brigade utvrđuje uzoke i o tome ćemo blagovremeno obavijestiti javnost. Također, prema strogim prvilima, zabranjeno je korištenje vatre u objektu, kao i pušenje u objektu.
Za više informacija, molimo da kontaktirate:
Edita Selimbegović,
IOM Odjel za informisanje,
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IOM responds to the fire incident in Miral, Velika Kladuša
(Sarajevo, 1st June 2019)- At the temporary reception center Miral in Velika Kladuša, around 06:20 this morning, a fire broke out on the first floor of the dormitory which accommodates 247 migrant and refugees.
IOM staff which is present in the centers 24/7 and is trained to respond to such events, quickly responded and successfully evacuated the migrants from the burning part of the building.
The Fire brigade from Velika Kladuša arrived to the center at 6:33 and the fire has been put down shortly after that.
28 migrants have been injured and 19 of them have been transported to the Cantonal hospital in Bihać while 8 have been kept at the hospital for further treatment. According to the information received from the hospital's medical team, two migrants that jumped out of a window in panic suffered serious injuries, but are currently stable. Fortunately, there have been no casualties. No IOM staff got injured.
IOM staff and partners are working on ensuring that the migrants and refugees, who were accommodated in the part of the Center that caught on fire, have new accommodation and everything else they need. Additional staff is available if needed to get that part of the Center back in function as soon as possible.
The center has an evacuation plan in the cases of fire and other hazardous situations. It is equipped with a functional fire hydrant as well as sufficient fire extinguishers, according to the plan.
The causes of the fire are still unknown and the Fire brigade’s professional team is working on determining the causes. In all IOM run centers, it is strictly forbidden to set up a fire and there is a no smoking policy in the centers, as well.
For more information:
Edita Selimbegović,
IOM PR Unit,