



Uz podršku Evropske unije, IOM i Crveni krst/križ FBiH potpisali Ugovor za pripremu i isporuku obroka u Izbjegličkom centru Salakovac

(Sarajevo, 09. septembar 2019. godine.) - U sklopu projekta koji finansira  Evropska unija, Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM) i Crveni križ/krst FBiH su potpisali Ugovor za podršku u obezbjeđivanju obroka za izbjeglice i tražioce azila koji borave u Izbjegličkom centru Salakovac. Ovim Ugovorom biće finansirano osoblje Crvenog križa/krsta Grada Mostara kao i nabavka, priprema i isporuka hrane.  

U sklopu ovog Ugovora, više od BAM 42.500 će biti iskorišteni za pripremu i isporuku po tri obroka dnevno za 115 izbjeglica i tražioca azila koji se trenutno nalaze u Izbjegličkom centru Salakovac.

Svi obroci će biti pripremljeni i isporučeni u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima koji garantuju hranljivu vrijednost, raznovrsnost i dnevni unos kalorija.

Ugovor su danas potpisali vršiteljica dužnosti šefa misije u IOM u BiH, gđa. Irma Sadiković i generalni sekretar Crvenog križa/krsta FBiH, g. Namik Hodžić.

Projekat “EU podrška upravljanju migracijama i granicom u BiH” finansira Evropska unija u vrijednosti od 14,8 miliona eura, a implementira IOM u partnerstvu s UNHCR-om, UNICEF-om, UNFPA-om i Danskim vijećem za izbjeglice (DRC-om).


Za više informacija, molimo da kontaktirate:

Edita Selimbegović,

IOM Odjel za informisanje,



EU supports IOM and the Red Cross of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the provision of food to refugees and asylum seekers in Refugee centre Salakovac

(Sarajevo, 09th September 2019) – Within the EU funded project 'EU Support to Migration and Border Management in BiH' the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Red Cross signed an Agreement for food provision to refugees and asylum seekers in the Refugee Centre Salakovac.  The EU will fund the staff of the Red Cross of the City of Mostar, as well as the provision, preparation and delivery food.

Within this Agreement, more than BAM 42.500 will be used to provide three meals per day for 115 refugees and asylum seekers currently situated in the Refugee Centre Salakovac.

All meals will be prepared and distributed in line with international standards that guarantee sufficient nutritional value, variety, and a daily calorie intake.

The Agreement was signed by Ms. Irma Sadikovic, ai Chief of IOM Mission in BiH, and Mr. Namik Hodžić, the General Secretary of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Red Cross.

The project “EU Support to Migration and Border Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina” is funded by the European Union with €14.8 million and is implemented by the IOM in partnership with UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).


For more information, please contact:

Edita Selimbegović,

IOM Public Information: