
Promotion of the "Bulletin of Sports Teams of the Municipality of Bugojno for 2018"


U Kristalnoj sali Općine Bugojno, održana je promocija “Biltena sportskih kolektiva Općine Bugojno za 2018. godinu.“ Radi se o projektu koji je realizirala neformalna grupa mladih u saradnji sa sportskim kolektivima općine Bugojno. Bilten sportskih kolektiva je potreba svih sportista i sportskih kolektiva Općine Bugojno ali i njenih građana. Kompletan sportski potencijal sadržan je u biltenu i kao takav omogućava čitaocima da se informišu o radu sportskih kolektiva, a mladima nudi uvid u svaki kolektiv kojem se mogu priključiti. Oni koji čine projekat ovakvim jesu upravo sportski kolektivi, njih 43 kojima su na kraju promocije svečano i uručeni bilteni.

Ovo je nastavak aktivnosti u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji je podržan od strane USAID Bosnia and HerzegovinaBritish Embassy Sarajevo i Ambasade Republike Italije u BiH.


In the Crystal Hall of the Municipality of Bugojno, promotion of the "Bulletin of Sports Teams of the Municipality of Bugojno for 2018". It is a project realized by an informal group of young people in cooperation with sports collectives from the territory of the Municipality of Bugojno. The bulletin of sports collectives is a necessity for all athletes and sports collectives of the Municipality of Bugojno but also of its citizens. The complete sports potential is contained in the bulletin and as such it allows readers to be informed about the work of sports collectives, and provides young people with an insight into each team they can join. Those who make up a project like this are the sports collectives, 43 of them, who at the end of the promotion were all awarded a copy of the bulletin.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support to Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of Great Britain (British Embassy Sarajevo) and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.