
Presented work of the group od parents in Bužim


Plan neformalne grupe roditelja u Bužimu da o njihovom radu sazna što više njihovih sugrađana, te da podijele naučeno na treninzima koje su prošli, nastavio se drugom radionicom. 

Okupljeni roditelji iz različitih zajednica su se upoznali sa ovom grupom i uz vrlo korisno izlaganje naučili nešto novo o roditeljstvu. Pored toga, tokom diskusije iznijeli su neke od svojih probleme, ali i rješenja kada je u pitanju odgoj djece. Ono što je posebno vrijedno je činjenica da na ovakvim susretima roditelji razmjenjuju vlastita iskustva u roditeljstvu. 

Ova radionica je održana u saradnji sa Aktivom žena medžlisa iz Bužima i Vijećima roditelja srednje i osnovne škole u Bužimu. 

Jedan od učesnika je izjavio: "Veoma neobična radionica, budući da se nametnula interakcija. Mislim da treba planirati više ovakvih radionica." Također, učesnici su istakli da se temama roditeljstva malo bavimo kao društvo i da će ovo svakako biti od pomoći. 

Ova aktivnost se realizira u sklopu projekta „Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“ kojeg implementira IOM uz podršku USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo i Ambasade Republike Italije u BiH. 


The plan of an informal group od parents in Bužim to present their work to as much fellow citizens as possible, and to share what have they learned on the trainings they have passed, continued with second workshop. 

Parents from different communities have become familiar with this group of parents and through useful lecture learned about parenting. Besides that, during the discussion they talked about their problems, as well as solutions, regarding bringing up the children.

What's the most valuable is the fact that during these meetings parents exchange their personal experiences with parenting.

This workshop was organized in cooperation with Association of women of Islamic community in Bužim and Parents councils of elementary and high school in Bužim.

One of the participants said: "This was very unusual workshop, considering that the interaction was imposed. I think more of these workshops should be planned." Also, the parents have emphasized that we, as a society, care very little about this topic, so this will definitely be useful.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support to Youth in Targeted Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.