
Opening of a Youth Centre, in the premises of the Centre for Social Work in Bugojno


Svečanom ceremonijom uz prisustvo velikog broja ljudi, u prostorijama Centra za socijalni rad Bugojno otvoren je Omladinski centar Bugojno. Presijecanjem vrpce, prostorije Omladinskog centra svečano su otvorili načelnik općine Bugojno Hasan Ajkunić, Mirza Omerhodžić ispred kancelarije IOM Sarajevo i Asmir Cetin kao koordinator projekta.

Projektni tim Omladinskog centra uručio je zahvalnice ustanovama, organizacijama, preduzećima i pojedincima koji su podržali realizaciju projekta.

Ovo je nastavak aktivnosti u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji je podržan od strane USAID Bosnia and HerzegovinaBritish Embassy Sarajevo i Ambasade Republike Italije u BiH.


Little ceremony with the presence of a large number of people marked the opening of a Youth Centre, in the premises of the Centre for Social Work in Bugojno. By cutting the ribbon, the premises of the Youth Center were officially opened by the Mayor of the Municipality of Bugojno, Hasan Ajkunić, Mirza Omerhodžić in front of the IOM office Sarajevo and Asmir Cetin as the Project Coordinator.

The Youth Centre project team presented Certificates of Acknowledgement to the institutions, organizations, companies and individuals who supported the implementation of the project.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support to Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of Great Britain (British Embassy Sarajevo) and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.