
MoviEQ workshop was held in Sarajevo Novi Grad


Jedanaest mladih ljudi okupilo se u Novom Gradu sa željom za druženjem i učenjem, a po završetku su postali svjesniji sebe i promjena koje mogu učiniti. Timskim radom shvatili su kako da vladaju emocijama, iznesu lične stavove, a da pri tome ne stupe u konflikt sa drugima. Svaka sesija MoviEQ radionice bila je ispunjena osmijesima, pozitivnom energijom, kvalitetnim diskusijama i novim odgovorima. Naučili su da budu aktivni i razumni slušaoci, a ne samo pasivni sagovornici. Podsjetili su se na šarolike boje života, a ostavili po strani crno-bijelu sliku. Putovanje kroz sedam sesija završeno je podjelom certifikata svim učesnicima.

MoviEQ radionice realizuju se u okviru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH“, koje implementira IOM, a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


Eleven young people gathered in Novi Grad with the desire to socialize, learn, and by the end, they became more aware of themselves and the changes they can make. By teamwork, they realized how to control emotions, express personal opinions without conflicting with others. Each session of the MoviEQ workshop was rife with smiles, positive energy, high-quality discussions and new answers. They learned to be active and reasonable listeners, not just passive interlocutors. They recalled the motley colors of life that they had and left a black and white picture aside. The journey through seven sessions was completed with the distribution of certificates to all participants.

MoviEQ workshop is realized as part of the project “Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM, supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.