
MoviEQ workshop held in Foča


Još jedna od najinteresantnijih radionica, prema mišljenju sedamnaest mladih, održana je u lokalnoj zajednici Foča.

Mladi su izjavili kako su veoma zadovoljni tematikom kao i činjenicom da je u pitanju interaktivna radionica. Aktivno slušanje, kreativno rješavanje problema i bolja komunikacija, neke su od tema ove radionice o kojima su mladi učili te su naveli da će im usvojeno znanje biti veoma korisno u budućnosti. Kroz četiri dana učesnici su naučili da stvari gledaju iz više različitih uglova i da ne donose ishitrene zaključke.

MoviEQ radionice dio su projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH” kojeg implementira IOM BiH, a podržava ih Vlada Velike Britanije.


One of the most interesting workshops, according to seventeen young people, was held in Foča.

These young people have stated that they are very satisfied with the thematic of the workshop and its interactive character. Active listening, creative resolution of the problems and better communication are some of the topics of this workshop that young people have learned about who noted that this knowledge is going to be very helpful for them in the future. Through four days participants learned to look at the things from different angles and not to bring hasty conclusions.

MoviEQ workshops are part of the project “Moving to Sustainable Approaches in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.