
MoviEQ workshop held in Bugojno


MoviEQ radionica promijenila im je način razmišljanja, naučila ih kako da rješavaju konflikte i da nemaju isključivo crno-bijeli pogled na svijet. Sve ovo ispričali su mladi iz Bugojna tokom Fokus grupe održane u Omladinskom centru Bugojno i na kraju zaključili da im je radionica omogućila da objektivnije gledaju na stvari.

Radionicu, koju su prošli prije četiri mjeseca, preporučili su prijateljima, upravo iz razloga jer je smatraju veoma korisnim i pozitivnim iskustvom.

Ova aktivnost dio je projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini” kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


MoviEQ workshop has changed their way of thinking, they learned how to solve conflicts and not to have a black and white look at the world. Youth from Bugojno have told all this on a focus group held at the Youth Center Bugojno and concluded that the workshop enabled them to more objectively look at the things.

They have recommended the workshop, which they passed four months ago, to their friends and they consider it a useful and positive experience.

This activity is part of the project "Moving to Sustainable Approaches in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by the IOM, financially supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.