
MoviEQ for parent held in Prijedor


Odgovorno roditeljstvo i jačanje roditeljskih vještina teme su radionice održane u Prijedoru za roditelje. Ova radionica je od velikog značaja jer im uveliko pomaže da bolje razumiju i na vrijeme primijete promjene u ponašanju koje nastaju kod djece i mladih, a sve u cilju sprječavanja nastanka nasilnog ekstremizma i radikalizma među adolescentima.

Učesnici su iskazali veliki interes, te poručili da bi edukacija ove vrste trebalo biti mnogo više, ali i naveli da će stečeno znanje prenositi u budućoj komunikaciji i radu sa mladima, ali i drugim osobama iz svoje lokalne zajednice.

Radionicu je organizovao “Forum za podršku mladima”, kao neformalna grupa roditelja nastala kroz projekat “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH” kojeg implementira IOM, a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


Responsible parenting and strengthening parental skills were topics of the workshop held in Prijedor. This workshop is of great importance because it helps parents to better understand and notice the changes in behavior that occur in children and young people, all in order to prevent violent extremism and radicalism among adolescents.

The participants expressed great interest and said that there should be more education of this kind, but also indicated that they will transmit the acquired knowledge in further communication and work with youth and other people from their local community.

This workshop was organized by “Youth Support Forum”, an informal group of parents created through the project “Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.