
IOM donated technical equipment to the RS Ministry of Labour and War Veterans Protection


U cilju brže i nesmetane registracije preživjelih ratnog seksualnog nasilja, kroz novousvojeni Zakon o zaštiti žrtava ratne torture u Republici Srpskoj, IOM je donirao tehničku opremu RS Ministarstvu rada i boračko-invalidske zaštite koja će biti na raspolaganju prvostepenim organima u manje razvijenim općinama.
Danas je potpisan ugovor o donaciji, a kroz zajednički UN projekat “Pružanje podrške i zaštite preživjelim ratnog seksualnog nasilja u BiH” IOM nastavlja podršku implementaciji Zakona pružajući ekspertnu i tehničku podršku. 
Zakon je otvorio mogućnost preživjelim ratnog seksualnog nasilja da ostvare prava te je prepoznao status žrtve ratne torture ovoj kategoriji. Jako je bitan nediskriminatoran i jednak pristup pravima, osiguravajući da su žrtve prepoznate i tretirane sa dignitetom. 
“Zaštita žrtava trebala bi biti primarna. Želimo pravno pomagati žrtvama ratne torture i upravo to je cilj ove donacije”, izjavio je Peter Van der Auweraert, šef misije IOM-a u BiH. 
Projekat je podržan od strane UK Ambasade u Sarajevu. 
For a swifter and more efficient registration of survivors of conflict related sexual violence through the newly adopted Law on Protection of Victims of Torture in Republika Srpska, IOM donated technical equipment to the RS Ministry of Labour and War Veterans Protection that will be further distributed to the most remote areas. 
In the framework of the Joint UN project “Seeking Care, Justice and Support Survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence in BiH” IOM will further continue to support the implementation of the newly adopted Law by providing expert and technical support. The Law opens the possibility for CRSV survivors to access the rights and to gain the recognition through the status of victims of torture. It is very important to maintain non-discriminatory and equal access to status and rights making sure that victims are recognized and treated with dignity. 
“The protection of the victims should be central. We want legally to assist to victims of war torture and this is the goal of this donation," said Peter Van der Auweraert, IOM Chief of Mission in BiH. 
Supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.