
IOM BiH handed over a snowmobile to the Mountain Rescue Service Bihać


U okviru projekta  Evropske unije, IOM uručio motorne sanke Gorskoj službi spašavanja Bihać

U okviru projekta  Evropske unije za pomoć  upravljanju migracijama i granicom u Bosni i Hercegovini, jučer su predstavnici  IOM-a uručili motorne sanke Gorskoj službi spašavanja Bihać koje će se koristiti u svrhe spašavanja ne samo unesrećenih migranata i izbjeglica koji preko planine Plješevica žele da dođu do zemalja Evropske Unije, nego i planinara i osoba koje se nađu u nesretnim situacijama na ovom području. Uručenju su prisustvovali g. Peter Van der Auweraert, šef misije Međunarodne organizacije za migracije u BiH i koordinator za Zapadni Balkan i načelnik GSS stanice Bihać, g. Ermin Lipović sa ostalim članovima Gorske službe. Rentanje i kupovina motornih sanki je omogućena zahvaljujući novčanim sredstvima koja je obezbijedila Evropska unija.

 “Motorne sanke su obezbijeđene, ne samo zbog potrebe migranata i izbjeglica koji ostanu zarobljeni prilikom pokušaja prelaska granice, nego i građana Unsko-sanskog kantona koji se nađu u sličnoj nevolji”, riječi su Petera Van der Auwerarta.

Gorska služba spašavanja  Bihać je u protekloj godini imala niz uspješnih akcija spašavanja migranata i izbjeglica na planinama u Unsko-sanskom kantonu.


Within the project funded by the European Union, IOM BiH handed over a snowmobile to the Mountain Rescue Service Bihać

Within the project funded by  the European Union to support migration and border management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, IOM BiH yesterday handed over a snowmobile to the Mountain Rescue Service Bihać with the purpose of rescuing not only the migrants and refugees who, through the Pljesevica Mountain, desire to go to the European Union countries, but also other hikers and people who find themselves in unfortunate situations in this area. Mr. Peter Van der Auweraert, Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration in BiH and Western Balkans Coordinator and Mr. Ermin Lipović, Station Chief of the Mountain Rescue Service Bihać with other members of the Rescue Service have attended this handover. Renting and purchase of snowmobile has been possible thanks to the funding provided by the European Union.

Snowmobile has been provided, not only for the migrants and refugees who remain stuck in trying to cross the EU border but also for the citizens of Una-Sana Canton who find themselves in similar situation,“ says Peter Van der Auweraert.

Mountain Rescue Service Bihać during the past year have organized and completed several successful evacuations of migrants and refugees lost in the difficult mountainous terrain in Una-Sana Canton.