
Implementation of the Project "Little Coding School" in Bugojno


U prostorijama Omladinskog centra Bugojno upriličeno je svečano potpisivanje ugovora za projekat “Mala škola programiranja” kojeg će u narednom periodu realizirati neformalna grupa mladih iz Bugojna. Tokom tog perioda, mladi ljudi će imati priliku da steknu određeno znanje i vještine kada je u pitanju IT sektor koji je veoma popularan i tražen danas.
Ovaj edukativni i zanimljivi projekat trajat će ukupno osam sedmica, a pohađat će ga grupa od 15 polaznika, koji će nakon završetka ove škole programiranja biti u mogućnosti edukovati i druge mlade ljude iz lokalne zajednice prenoseći stečeno znanje.
Ova aktivnost je dio projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini” kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.
In the premises of the Youth Center Bugojno, the signing of the contract for the "Little Coding School" was organized, the project which will be realized in the forthcoming period by the informal youth group from Bugojno. During this period, young people will have the opportunity to acquire specific knowledge and skills when it comes to an IT sector that is very popular and sought nowadays.
This educational and interesting project will last for a total of eight weeks and will be attended by a group of 15 young people who will be able to educate other young people from the local community upon completion of this programming school by transferring acquired knowledge.
This activity is part of the project "Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.