
"Get moving, become active"


"Pokreni se, postani aktivan" je naziv projektne ideje, koju su osmislili i pred komisijom prezentovali mladi iz Zvornika, kroz učešće na MoviEQ dijalogu u zajednici.

Dvodnevni seminar, "Igre bez granica", konferencija "Mladi za mlade", su tri faze projektnog prijedloga, gdje mladi na ovaj način žele aktivirati i druge mlade osobe u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici, pružajući im priliku za međusobno druženje, igre, takmičenja, i zabavu.

Navedena aktivnost se sprovodi u okviru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini", implementira je IOM, a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


"Get moving, become active" is the name of the project idea, conceived and presented to the selection panel by young people from Zvornik, through participation in the MoviEQ dialogue in the community.

The two-day seminar, "Games without borders", Youth to Youth Conference, are three phases of this project proposal, by which youth aim to activate other young people in their local community, giving them the opportunity for interaction, playing games, participating in competitions, and fun.

This activity is part of the project "Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans", implemented by IOM and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.