
European Antitrafficking Day


On the occasion the European Anti-Trafficking Day, the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina / Department for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Lara Foundation from Bijeljina, the RING Network and MFS-EMMAUS organized a press conference aiming at presenting the current situation, with the challenges to be confronted in preventing trafficking in persons, and the activities undertaken through cross-sectoral cooperation between relevant institutions and organizations in the fight against this phenomenon. The conference was held at the UN House in Sarajevo on October 18, 2018. The event was an opportunity to present the returns of the IOM’s regional project Enhancing Counter Trafficking in Crisis in the Western Balkans such as Analytical report on human trafficking in crisis situations in the Western Balkans, Guidelines for work of regional monitoring teams for combating trafficking in human beings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Facebook page #supportformigrants and Mobile App Support for Migrants.

Presenters at the press conference were representatives from the Ministry of Security of BiH / Department for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, International Organization for Migration (IOM), MFS-EMMAUS and the "Lara" Foundation. The conference was also attended by representatives from institutions and non-governmental actors handling  migration and asylum issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This event is part of "CHILDREN ON MOVE, UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN - React and prevent child trafficking!" campaign conducted by the Ministry of Security of BiH together with the "Lara" Foundation  and the RING Network.

U okviru obilježavanja Europskog Dana borbe protiv trgovine ljudima, Ministarstvo sigurnosti Bosne i Hercegovine / Odsjek za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima u suradnji s Međunarodnom organizacijom za migracije (IOM), Fondacijom "Lara" iz Bijeljine, Mrežom RING i MFS-EMMAUS organizirao je konferenciju za medije s ciljem predstavljanja trenutne situacije, aktivnosti i izazova u sprečavanju trgovine ljudima, te međusektorske suradnje relevantnih institucija i organizacija u borbi protiv ovog fenomena. Konferencija je održana u zgadi UNa u Sarajevu 18.10.2018. Tom prilikom predstavljeni su rezultati IOMovog regionalnog projekta "Jačanje borbe protiv trgovine ljudima u kriznim situacijama na Zapadnom Balkanu" kao što je Analitički izvještaj o trgovini ljudima u kriznim situacijama na Zapadnom Balkanu, Smjernice za postupanje regionalnih monitoring timova za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima u Bosni i Hercegovini, Facebook page #supportformigrants i Mobilna aplikacija Support for Migrants.

Izlagačice na konferenciji za medije su bili predstavnice Ministarstva sigurnosti BiH / Odsjek za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima, Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM), MFS-EMMAUS i Fondacije "Lara". Na konferenciji su prisustvovali i predstavnici institucija i nevladinog sektora koji se bavi migracijama i azilom u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovaj događaj dio je kampanje je “DJECA U POKRETU, DJECA BEZ PRATNJE – Reaguj i spriječi trgovinu djecom!” koju provodi Ministarstvo sigurnosti BiH zajedno sa Fondacijom „Lara“ i Mrežom RING.