
Educative project "Little Coding School", began with its realization


Posebno interesantan i edukativan projekat za mlade, pod nazivom “Little Coding School“, započeo je sa svojom realizacijom. Nakon što je završeno instaliranje neophodne opreme nabavljene kroz ovaj projekat, u Omladinskom centru Bugojno započeli su časovi programiranja za 15 polaznika.

Uz pomoć gostujućih predavača i istaknutih stručnjaka iz IT sektora, polaznici škole programiranja će tokom osam sedmica, koliko je predviđeno da projekat traje, naučiti osnove programskog jezika C++. Osim toga, steći će i osnovne logičke vještine koje će kasnije moći iskoristiti za nadogradnju znanja i učenje drugih programskih jezika.

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“ kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


A particularly interesting and educative project for young people, called "Little Coding School", began with its realization. After the installation of the necessary equipment purchased through this project, programming classes for 15 participants started in Bugojno Youth Centre.

With the help of guest lecturers and prominent IT sector specialists, students of the programming school will, over the course of eight weeks, learn the basics of C++ programming language. In addition, they will also acquire the basic logical skills that they will later be able to use to upgrade knowledge and learn other programming languages.

This activity is organized within the “Moving to sustainable approaches in the prevention of violent extremism in the Western Balkans” project, implemented by the International Organization for Migration and supported by British Embassy Sarajevo.