
Community Dialogue held in Zenica


Prethodne sedmice mladi iz Zenice predstavili su pred Komisijom svoje projektne ideje nastale kroz Dijalog u zajednici. Jedna od njih je projekat pod nazivom „Ruka pomoći“ koji ima za cilj pomoć i druženje sa socijalno ugroženim porodicama na području određenih mjesnih zajednica u Zenici, te druženje sa djecom do 10 godina kroz sudjelovanje u aktivnostima koje su besplatne. Druga projektna ideja je projekat ''Zabavimo se, edukujmo se'' na kojem će učesnici, kroz opuštene kratke radionice, učiti nešto novo ili utvrđivati već poznato, a sve u svrhu pokretanja mladih da ulažu u sebe i što manje vremena provode koristeći mobitel i društvene mreže.

Nakon predstavljanja projekata mladi su istakli kako su članovi Komisije, koje su oni i predložili, ispunili njihova očekivanja kroz dobronamjerne savjete i kritike što je veoma važno za mlade koji prvi put imaju priliku raditi na projektnim idejama.

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta ''Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini'', kojeg implementira IOM, a finansijski podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


In the previous week, young people from Zenica presented to the selection panel their project ideas created through Community Dialogue. One of them is a project called "Helping hand" which aims to help and socialize with socially vulnerable families in the area of certain local communities in Zenica and to socialize with children up to 10 years through participation in activities that are free. The second project idea is the project "Let's have fun, educate ourselves", where participants will learn, through relaxed short workshops, something new or fortify something that they already know, all for the purpose of initiating young people to invest in themselves and to spend less time using mobile phones and social networks.

After the presentation of the projects, young people emphasized that the members of the selection panel, proposed by them, met their expectations through well-intentioned advice and critics, which is very important for young people who have the opportunity to work on project ideas for the first time.

This activity is part of the project "Moving to Sustainable Approaches in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans", implemented by IOM and supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.