
Community dialogue held in Foča has brought up the problems that the youth of this community is facing


Samo prepoznavanje problema i njegova potpuna identifikacija su jedan od prvih koraka ka rješavanju tog problema. Da su mladi svjesni problema u svojim zajednicama, pokazali su svi dosadašnji dijalozi koji su organizirani kroz projekat "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini". Uključenost mladih u ove dijaloge, prepoznavanje problema i rješavanje nekih od njih, te sama činjenica da se govori i sluša o potrebama mladih, stvara pozitivnu priču i poboljšava okruženje mladih.

I u Foči je, 13. novembra, održan Dijalog u zajednici, gdje su mladi govorili o problemima sa kojima se susreću.

Izdvojili su neke od osnovnih problema: nedostatak kulturnih dešavanja u gradu, loši toaleti i loša oprema u fiskulturnoj sali u Srednjoškolskom centru Foča, nedostatak sprava u street workout parku, neuređenost zelenih površina, nedostatak prostorija za mlade, i druge. U skladu sa problemima koje su naveli, mladi su ponudili i rješenja koja će nastojati realizirati kroz projekat koji će osmisliti.

U naredne dvije sedmice mladi će raditi na pripremi svojih projektnih prijedloga, a mi strpljivo čekamo da vidimo šta su to osmislili.

Ove aktivnosti dio su projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini” koji implementira IOM, a finansijski podržavaju USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.


The recognition of the problem and its complete identification are one of the first steps to solving that problem. The fact that the young people are aware of the problems in their communities is well shown on every dialogue organized as part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support to Youth in Targeted Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" so far. The involvement of youth in these dialogues, the recognition of the problems and solving some of them, as well as the fact that it has been spoken about and listened to the needs of youth, create the positive story and improve the environment for youth.

Community dialogue held in Foča on the November 13th has brought up the problems that the youth of this community is facing.

They have marked some of the basic problems: lack of cultural events, inadequate toilets in high school, as well as bad gym equipment in the same school, the lack of the equipment in street workout park, bad condition of green areas, lack of spaces for youth, and other. In accordance with the listed problems, the gathered youth offered solutions that they will try to realize through the project they are going to devise.

In the next two weeks, these young people will prepare their project proposals and we are patiently waiting to see what they came up with.

These are the activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support to Youth in Targeted Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", implemented by IOM and supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.