
Community Dialogue held in Bužim


“Vrati se u igru“ i “Autobus sreće” su dvije projektne ideje koje je neformalna grupa mladih iz Bužima prezentirala na održanom Dijalogu. Proteklih mjesec dana ova grupa mladih je vrijedno radila na prikupljanju i izradi dokumentacije. Oduševljenost komisije i prisutnih je dokaz njihovog vrijednog rada, ali i vjetar u leđa da istraju do kraja u svojim namjerama.

Neformalnu grupu mladih čine učesnici MovieQ radionice, što se pokazalo kao odlična uvertira za njihovo povezivanje i druženje kroz različite aktivnosti. Kažu da žele svojim primjerom volonterizma i aktivizma potaknuti druge da čine dobro za sebe i svoju zajednicu.

Dijalog u zajednici je jedna od aktivnosti projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovni“ koju implementira Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM), a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


"Back to the Game" and "A Bus of Happiness" are two project ideas that the informal group of young people from Bužim presented at the Community Dialogue. For the past month, this group of young people has been working hard on gathering and drafting documentation. The enthusiasm of the selection panel members and other guests is the evidence of their hard work, but also the wind in their backs to persist in their intentions.

The informal youth group consists of participants from the MovieQ workshop, which proved to be an excellent introduction for their connection and socialization through various activities. They say that they want, through their example of volunteering and activism, to encourage others to do good for themselves and their community.

Community Dialogue is one of the activities of the project "Moving to Sustainable Approaches in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.