Special Measures to Support the Response to the Refugee and Migrant Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phase III

“The overall objective of the Action is to support BiH in the areas of migration, reception and border management in the context of increasing numbers of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, who for the purpose of this document will be referred to as Persons of Concern (PoC), who have been transiting through the country since the end of 2017. The Action will be subject to a Multi-Partner Contribution Agreement between the European Union (EU) and IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR, and UNFPA.  
The Action focused primarily to maintain ongoing activities supporting the coordination and management of reception centres[1], provide for the basic food and shelter needs of PoCs, including water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and facilitate access to protection services. Special attention will be given to persons with vulnerabilities and special needs, such as children, in particular Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC), single parents traveling with children, single women, pregnant and lactating women and other vulnerable individuals through improved identification and referral pathways. 
The project also contributed to the reinforcement of the capacities of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, Sector for Asylum and the Border Police (Ministry of Security of BiH). Lastly, locally identified and driven initiatives promoted social cohesion among refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants and host communities.

The table below provides information on contractors and Grant Beneficiaries for contracts over € 10,000.00 for the “Special Measures to Support the Response to the Refugee and Migrant Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phase III” (Agreement No. 2020/417-356), as per the General Conditions applicable to EU Delegation agreements.”

Download the table here.


[1] Reception centres refer to the Government managed Asylum and Refugee Reception Centres and Temporary Reception Centres. The Action will not support the closed Immigration Centre.