
Workshop “Strengthening parenting skills" held in Sarajevo


Twenty fathers, participants of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" from Prijedor, Bužima, Bugojno Jablanica, Foca and Gornji Rahića/Maoče, last weekend participated at the workshop “Strengthening parenting skills", which is focused on the development of self-confidence in children and youth, educational styles, communication with children and youth, non-violent conflict resolution, adolescence. Also, the positive results of the "Youth Support Forum", local parents' body from Prijedor where the implementation of this project is under way, were presented. The outcome of the workshop is an action plan that contain accurate guidelines for the further work of the "Forum for Support of Youth" and better action in the community. These activities, implemented by IOM and supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH, were attended by Peter Van Der Auweraert, IOM sub-regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans.


Dvadeset očeva, učesnika projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" iz Prijedora, Bužima, Bugojna, Jablanice, Foče i Gornjeg Rahića / Maoče proteklog vikenda prošli su radionicu “Jačanje roditeljskih vještina” na kojoj je bilo riječi o razvoju samopouzdanja kod djece i mladih, odgojnim stilovima, komunikaciji s djecom i mladima, nenasilnom rješavanju konflikata, adolescenciji. Takođe, prezentovani su pozitivni rezultati "Foruma za podršku mladima", tijela roditelja iz Prijedora gdje je u toku sprovođenje ovog projekta. Rezultat radionice je i akcioni plan koji sadrži tačne smjernice za dalji rad "Foruma za podršku mladima" i bolje djelovanje u zajednici. Ovim aktivnostima, koje sprovodi IOM, a finansiraju USAID BiH te ambasade Velike Britanije u BiH i Republike Italije u BiH prisustvovao je Peter Van Der Auweraert, IOM sub-regionalni koordinator za Zapadni Balkan.