
Training on the Technology of Growing Berries

June 2012

Training on the Technology of Growing Berries

On 1 June 2012, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and USAID/Sida FARMA project are organising a professional training in Bugojno titled “Technology of Growing Berries” for released personnel of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Central Bosnia region who are interested in entering this type of production. The training will take place on:

Friday 1 June 2012 at 10:00 AM

Motel Heko, Bugojno

USAID/Sida FARMA project supports agricultural producers through the trainings on production technology, assistance in the area of marketing, and market development. Production of annuals type of raspberries carries yield over the short term, it is highly profitable, and all family members can be engaged in production and picking activities. Heko d.o.o. (Ltd.) company from Bugojno guarantees purchase of all quantities produced to the producers involved.

Part of the programme of the training is reserved for a presentation of NATO-PERSPEKTIVA Programme for resettlement of the persons in transition from the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which offers financial support in the amount between 2,600 – 3,000 BAM per soldier. Within the mentioned budget, purchase of raspberry (or other types of berries) annuals is enabled, watering system, and other materials required for planting 1 dunum (1 decare - 1000 m²). IOM is implementing the NATO-PERSPEKTIVA Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

USAID/Sida FARMA will further organise a presentation of examples of good practice (the most successful agricultural producer in Bugojno area with raspberry yield of 2.75 tons per dunum) and a micro-credit organisation Partner will present its offer to interested producers who already used up portion or all funds from NATO-PERSPEKTIVA fund.



About IOM and NATO-PERSPEKTIVA Programme: /


United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) are partners in four-year project FARMA, for development of agricultural and processing sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose total value is 13.6 million USD:


Contact Person:

Edita Selimbegović, PR - International Organization for Migration – Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387 (0)33 567 219 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: +387 (0)33 567 229 Mob: +387 (0)61 215 839 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting