
The tournament in the street basket as part of the project "Refurbishment of the Basketball Field Partizan" in Zavidovići


Zavidovići last weekend hosted the tournament in the street basket as part of the project "Refurbishment of the Basketball Field Partizan". In the past four months since the signing of the contract with the IOM, a group of young people from this community has done a lot of activities related to the organization of terrains such as wall arrangement, handling and drawing of graphite, pavement concreting, painting the terrain and making stands. A number of actors such as the Zavidovići Municipality and others who supported the youth in the implementation of the project's final goal actively participated in this mutual activities. It is also interesting to mention that this tournament was of international character, since teams from Lithuania and Serbia participated besides the team from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


Zavidovići su proteklog vikenda bili domaćin turnira u street basketu kao dio projekta „Uređenje basket terena Partizan“. U protekla četiri mjeseca od potpisivanja ugovora sa IOM-om, grupa mladih iz ove zajednice je obavila mnogo aktivnosti u vezi sa uređenjem terena kao što su sređivanje zida, ravnanje i crtanje grafita, betonaža trotoara, farbanje terena te izrada tribina. U ovaj projekat aktivno su se uključili brojni akteri poput Općine Zavidovići te drugih fizičkih i pravnih lica koji su podržali omladinu u realizaciji krajnjeg cilja ovog projekta. Interesantno je također spomenuti i da je ovaj turnir imao međunarodni karakter, jer su, osim ekipa iz Bosne i Hercegovine, na turniru učestvovale i ekipe iz Litvanije i Srbije.

Ovo su aktivnosti u okviru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji sprovodi IOM, a podržava USAID, Vlade Velike Britanije i Ambasade Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.