
The third MoviEQ workshop held in Prijedor from 21 to 24 September 2017


The third MoviEQ workshop, under the project "Community Based Approaches to Support Youth in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", implemented by IOM BiH, was held in Prijedor, 21-24 September, and it was attended by young people from several local communities of the City of Prijedor. Through this unique workshop, participants had the opportunity to build their emotional intelligence, widen their horizons, and learn new skills to help their future community engagement and/or employment. Participants who fullfiled all the requirements and regularly attended the sessions would be awarded a Cambridge University certificate. This project is supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


Treća MoviEQ radionica, u okviru projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama” kojeg sprovodi IOM BiH, održana je u Prijedoru od 21. do 24. septembra, a učestvovali su mladi iz više lokalnih zajednica Grada Prijedora. Oni su imali priliku da poboljšaju vještine emotivne inteligencije, prošire vidike i pogled na svijet, kao i da sticanjem novih znanja povećaju mogućnost društvenog angažmana i zaposlenja. Svim redovnim učesnicima na kraju modula biće dodijeljeni certifikati Cambridge Univerzitea. Projekat je podržan od strane USAID BiH, vlade Ujedinjenog kraljevstva i ambasade Republike Italije u BiH.