
The third Community Dialogue was held in Bugojno


Third Community Dialogue, an activity within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" was held in Bugojno with youth from local communities: Vrbas I, Porice, Odzak, Golo Brdo, Hum, Poljice and Rovna. With the support of IOMs' local coordinators, they identified problems in their communities, and ways for those to be solved. The youth decided that, in the following period through several projects, they would work on solving the problems of the lack of playground in Golo Brdo, renovate the space for youth within the Gymnasium "Bugojno", make a resort near the river Vrbas, and start their own business. These activities implemented by IOM are supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Treći Dijalog u zajednici, aktivnost u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini", održan je sa devetnaest mladih iz mjesnih zajednica: Vrbas I, Poriče, Odžak, Golo Brdo, Hum, Poljice, Rovna i Vućipolje sa područja općine Bugojno. Oni su, uz podršku IOM-ovih lokalnih koordinatora Bugojno, kroz dijalog identifikovali probleme u njihovim mjesnim zajednicama i načine na koji bi mogli da budu riješeni. Mladi su odlučili da u narednom periodu, kroz nekoliko projekata, riješe problem nedostatka igrališta u Golom Brdu, obnove prostor za mlade u sklopu Gimnazije "Bugojno", naprave odmaralište pored rijeke Vrbas, kao i da pokrenu vlastiti biznis. Ove aktivnosti sprovodi IOM, a finansiraju USAID BiH te ambasade Velike Britanije u BiH i Republike Italije u BiH.