
Study visit of psychologists from the Ministry of Defense of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the psychologists of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina


From 5 to 8 March, IOM is organizing a study visit of psychologists from the Ministry of Defense of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the psychologists of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the visit, Mr. Goran Cerkez, Adviser to the Minister of the Ministry of Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina addressed the participants. In the continuation of the visit, the delegation of the FYRM will visit the Recruitment and Transition Center in Rajlovac and PSOTC. The goal of the visit is to exchange experiences and to strengthen the capacities of psychologists within the system. The PREVENTIVA project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway.


U sklopu projekta PREVENTIVA, od 5. do 8. marta, IOM organizuje studijsku posjetu psihologa Ministarstva odbrane Bivše Jugoslovenske Republike Makedonije (BJRM) psiholozima Ministarstva odbrane/obrane BiH i Oružanih snaga BiH. Tokom posjete gostima se obratio i dr Goran Čerkez, savjetnik ministra zdravlja Federacije BiH. U nastavku posjete delegacija BJRM posjetiće i regrutacijski i tranzicijski centar u Rajlovcu i PSOTC. Cilj posjete je razmjena iskustava i jačanje kapaciteta psihologa unutar sistema. Projekat PREVENTIVA podržan je od strane Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške.