
Strengthening Parental Skills workshops in Zvornik

The continuation of activities within the workshop "Strengthening Parental Skills" was held in Zvornik. The workshop lasted for two days and was divided into four sessions in which the participants had the opportunity to learn about very important, but also very interesting and useful topics related to adolescence.

Through interaction and dialogue, participants could learn more about the specificities and challenges of the adolescent period, identity crisis in youth, but also what is most important for this developmental period in the lives of young people, and what is the role of parents and other factors in their environment. Also, at this workshop, special attention was paid to the typical and atypical behavior of adolescents with a special emphasis on timely reaction to the first signs of radicalism and violent extremism that young people can show in this, for them, a very significant period of growing up. Obtaining and paying attention to this topic aims at strengthening group cohesion and the ability of youth to rely on one another, as a method of prevention and community resistance.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.