
Signed a EUR 1 million grant agreement for the opening of a reception center in Hadzici, Sarajevo


On the 25 July 2018 at the premises of the UN House in Sarajevo, the Vice Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), María Sánchez-Yebra Alonso and the Chief of Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkans Coordinator for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Peter Van der Auweraert, signed a Grant Agreement for € 1 million from the CEB’s Migrants and Refugee Fund (MRF).

The signing ceremony was co-hosted by the Assistant Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Samir Rizvo, and attended by the Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, Ms. Semiha Borovac, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Ambassador Tomáš Boček, and the Council of Europe Head of Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek.

In support of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Grant will enable IOM to respond to the urgent migrant and refugee situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, following the sharp increase in the arrivals of migrants and asylum seekers since the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. 

As first mover the MRF grant will enable the setting-up of a reception facility in the area of Sarajevo (Hadžići Municipality) which will contribute to a more structured response to the current migrant and refugee situation, encouraging other actors on the ground to provide assistance and protection services and in the newly established center. 

The intervention will be targeted at upgrading the Ušivak facility in Hadžići, Sarajevo. The grant will fund the refurbishment and equipment of existing constructions on-site, and the procurement of sleeping containers/rubb halls, sanitary units with showers and toilets and sleeping material for accommodating about 400 persons.

The action is to be viewed as complementary to other response actions pursued by IOM, the European Union and other government and non-government actors.


Vice-guvernerka Razvojne banke Vijeća Evrope (CEB), María Sánchez-Yebra Alonso i Šef Misije Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM) u BiH i Sub-regionalni koordinator za Zapadni Balkan, Peter Van der Auweraert, su potpisati Ugovor o grantu vrijedan million eura, koji će biti dodjeljen iz Fonda za izbjeglice i migrante CEB-a. Ugovor je potpisan 25. jula 2018. godine u Zgradi UN-a.

Nakon oficijalnog dijela ceremonije, potpisivanja Ugovora i planiranog kratkog osvježenja, delegacija jeposjetila centar Ušivak u Hadžićima gdje je bilo obezbijeđeno i uzimanje izjava od zvaničnika.

Namjenjen da služi kao podrška Ministarstvu sigurnosti, pomenuti grant će omogućiti IOM-u da pruži odgovor na hitnu situaciju s migrantima i izbjeglicama u Bosni i Hercegovini, koja je posljedica velikog povećanja dolazaka migranata i tražilaca azila od kraja 2017. i početka 2018. godine.  

Inicijalno, grant Fonda za izbjeglice i migrante će omogućiti uspostavu prihvatilišta na području Sarajeva (općina Hadžići), što će doprinijeti organizovanijem odgovoru na trenutnu situaciju s migrantima i izbjeglicama, u isto vrijeme ohrabrujući druge aktere na terenu da osiguraju pomoć i usluge zaštite u novouspostavljenom centru.

Intervencija će dalje imati za cilj izgradnju kapaciteta centra Ušivak u Hadžićima, Sarajevo, kojim trenutno upravlja Crveni krst Federacije. Grant će osigurati obnovu i opremanje postojećih objekata na terenu, kao i nabavku kontejnera/šatora za spavanje, sanitarnih postrojenja i materijala za smještaj oko 400 osoba.

Ova akcija se treba posmatrati kao komplementarna drugim odgovorima na krizu koje su implementirali IOM, Evropska unija i drugi vladini i nevladini akteri.