
Signed a contract on the implementation of the project "Let's play together - young people" in Capljina


Informal group of youth from the local community Bivolje Brdo (Capljina) and IOM representatives signed a contract on the implementation of the project "Let's play together - young people". It is about buying folk costumes for the "Kolo Dubravsko" Cultural-Art Society. Society members are mostly youth, and costumes will improve the conditions for the work of the society and increase the interest of youth in preserving the culture and tradition of this area. These activities are part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


Neformalna grupa mladih iz mjesne zajednice Bivolje Brdo (Čapljina) i predstavnici IOM-a 17. aprila potpisali su ugovor o sprovođenju projekta "Zaigrajmo zajedno - mladi mladima". Riječ je o kupovini narodnih nošnji za Kulturno-umjetničko društvo "Kolo Dubravsko". Članovi društva su uglavnom mladi, a nabavka nošnji unaprijediće uslove za rad društva i povećati interes mladih za očuvanje kulture i tradicije ovog područja. Ove aktivnosti su dio projekta ''Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini'' koji implementira IOM, a podržavaju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.