
Signed a contract for the construction of the Street Workout Park in the Urije settlement


Informal youth group "Barbrothers" from Prijedor and IOM representatives signed a contract for the construction of the Street Workout Park in the Urije settlement. In the forthcoming period at the sports and recreational center at Tone Atric Street will be placed elements for street workout, which would be an alternative to gyms and fitness centers. This is the result of "Community Dialogue", which was held within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina " - implemented by IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH. The construction of the park also helped Arcelor Mittal, Bosnamontaža, KK "Hunters" and "Royal" - stonecutter company.


Neformalna grupa mladih "Barbrothers" iz Prijedora i predstavnici IOM-a potpisali su ugovor o izgradnji Street Workout parka u naselju Urije. U narednom periodu na sportsko-rekreativnom centru u Ulici Tone Atrića na Urijama biće postavljeni elementi za street workout, koji bi bio alternativa teretanama i fitness centrima. Rezultat je to "Dijaloga u zajednici" koji je održan u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" - sprovodi ga IOM, a podržavaju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH. Izgradnju parka pomogli su i Arcelor Mittal, Bosnamontaža, KK “Hunters” i Kamenorezačka radnja "Royal".