
The second training module for parents was held in Tuzla


Proteklog vikenda u Tuzli je održan drugi modul treninga za roditelje. Prisutni roditelji su tokom dvodnevne edukacije dobili nove informacije, te ojačali raspoložive vještine o različitim vrstama roditeljskih odgojnih stilova. Ostavljena im je mogućnost da kroz kratki test i sami vide koji od odgojnih stilova lično primjenjuju prema vlastitoj djeci. Kroz edukaciju su prezentovani i mehanizmi nenasilnog rješavanja različitih svakodnevnih konfliktnih situacija koji su ujedno značajni mehanizmi prevencije različitih oblika društveno nepoželjnog i neprihvatljivog ponašanja kod mladih osoba.

Radionica je imala interaktivni karakter, te su se prisutni učesnici o njoj izjasnili pozitivnim dojmovima. Izrazili su i izričito zadovoljstvo zbog mogućnosti da budu učesnici ovog značajnog edukativnog iskustva.

Ova aktivnost je dio projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini", kojeg implementira IOM, a podržava Vlada Velike Britanije.


Last weekend, the second training module for parents was held in Tuzla. During this two-day education, present parents received new information and strengthened the available skills on various types of parental educational styles. Through a short test, they got the opportunity to see which of the educational styles they personally apply to their own children. Mechanisms of non-violent resolution of various daily conflict situations are presented through education and they are also significant mechanisms for the prevention of various forms of socially undesirable and unacceptable behavior of young people.

The workshop had an interactive character and the attendees expressed their positive feelings about it. They expressed explicit pleasure for being able to be participants of this significant educational experience.

These are activities within the project "Moving to Sustainable Approaches in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans" implemented by the IOM and supported by the British Embassy Sarajevo.