
The second module of the second Community Dialogue was held in Zavidovici


The second module of the second Community Dialogue was held yesterday (February 12th) in Zavidovici. Youth in this module, which is part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", presented two projects - Arrangement of basket courts "Partizan" and Adaptation of the town hall in Vozuca. These ideas were proposed by the expert commission for the final selection. The entire project is implemented by IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Drugi modul drugog Dijaloga u zajednici održan je juče (12. februar) u Zavidovićima! Mladi su na ovom modulu, koji je dio projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" predstavili dva projekta – Uređenje basket terena "Partizan" i Adaptacija sale MZ Vozuća. Ove ideje stručna komisija predložila je za finalnu selekciju. Kompletan projekat sprovodi IOM, a podržavaju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.