
Second Community Dialogue with youth from Zenica was held in the newly opened Community center "Brist"


Second Community Dialogue with youth from Zenica, a part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", was held in the newly opened Community center "Brist". Youth spoke about the problems and difficulties in their local communities, as well as about ideas for improving their status and position. After a long talk, they came up with ideas for solving current problems such as the lack of facilities for socializing, inadequate equipment of youth homes in local communities, lack of adequate security protection at the river team, lack of light on the Jalijski bridge, opportunity for informal education. In the forthcoming period these ideas will be turned into project-ideas, and the goal is to rectify or completely solve the problems that have been addressed. This activity is supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo, and the Embassy of the Republic of Itali in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


Drugi Dijalog u zajednici s mladima iz Zenice, koji se realizuje u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH" održan je u novootvorenom Društvenom centru "Brist". Mladi su govorili o problemima i poteškoćama u njihovim lokalnim zajednicama, kao i o idejama za poboljašnje njihovog statusa i položaja. Nakon višesatnog razgovora, došli su do ideja za rješavanje trenutnih problema kao što su nedostatak objekata za druženje, neadekvatna opremljenost omladinskih domova u mjesnim zajednicama, nepostojanje adekvatne sigurnosne zaštite na rječnoj adi, nedostatak svjetla na Jalijskom mostu, prilika za neformalnu edukaciju... U narednom periodu ove ideje će biti pretvorene u projekte, a cilj je da se poprave ili u potpunosti riješe problemi o kojima je bilo riječi. Ovu aktivnost podržao je USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.