
Second Community Dialogue was held with youth from Gradisce, Smajici and several other local communities in Zenica


Second Community Dialogue, an activity within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" was held with youth from Gradisce, Smajici and several other local communities in Zenica. With the support of IOM's local coordinators, they presented two projects to be implemented in Gradisce, and one for the local community of Smajici. Presentation was attended by representatives of the city administration and city council, as well as a representative of the Youth Association “REaktiv”; they supported forthcoming activites with their constructive advices. Also these activities are supported by the City of Zenica and Zenica Development Agency ZEDA. These activities, implemented by IOM, are supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  


Drugi "Dijalog u zajednici", aktivnost u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini", održan je s mladima iz mjesnih zajednica Gradišće, Smajići i još nekoliko gradskih i prigradskih mjesnih zajednica s područja Zenice. Oni su, uz podršku IOM-ovih lokalnih koordinatora prezentovali dva projekta koja će biti sprovedena u mjesnoj zajednici Gradišće i jedan za područje mjesne zajednice Smajići. Prezentaciji su prisustvovali predstavnici gradske uprave i gradskog Vijeća te predstavnik Omladinskog udruženja "Reaktiv"; oni su svojim konstruktivnim savjetima podržali predstojeće aktivnosti koje su podržali i Grad Zenica i Zenička razvojna agencija ZEDA. Ove aktivnosti sprovodi IOM, a finansiraju USAID BiH te ambasade Velike Britanije u BiH i Republike Italije u BiH.