
Second “Community Dialogue” held in Gornja Tuzla


Youth from Gornja Tuzla, within the framework of the second “Community Dialogue”, identified few problems in their local community and made proposals of two projects to adress these problems. These are the proposed projects: finding and equipping a space that would be a corner for youth from Gornja Tuzla and reconstruction of a playground for the youngest, who currently have no place to spend their free time. This is is a continuation of the activities within the project "Community Based Approaches to Support Youth in Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", implemented by the IOM BiH, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


Mladi iz Gornje Tuzle su u sklopu drugog Dijaloga u zajednici identifikovali nekoliko problema u svojoj zajednici i napravili prijedloge dva projekta kojima bi se neki od ovih problema mogli riješiti. Riječ je o projektima nalaska i opremanja prostora koji bi predstavljao kutak za mlade osobe iz Gornje Tuzle i rekonstrukcije jednog igrališta za najmlađe, koji trenutno nemaju mjesto gdje mogu provoditi svoje slobodno vrijeme. Radi se o nastavku aktivnosti u okviru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH" koji duže od dvije godine implementira IOM BiH, uz podršku USAID BiH, Vlade Velike Britanije i Ambasade Republike Italije u BiH.