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WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM has had a presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1992.
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Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. Across Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), IOM aims to prevent irregular migration, stop the trafficking of human beings, contribute to national development, and assist the BH Government to manage migration activities.
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Saopštenje za medije - Primopredaja vrijedne opreme za provjeru dokumenata Graničnoj policiji BiH / Press release - Switzerland donated valuable equipment for document authenticity verification to the BiH Border Police
Švicarska donirala Graničnoj policiji BiH vrijednu opremu za provjeru dokumenata
(Sarajevo, 27. novembar 2020. godine.) – Graničnoj policiji Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) danas je uručena specijalistička oprema za provjeru dokumenata u vrijednosti od 220.000 KM koju je donirao Državni sekretarijat za migracije Švicarske. Oprema je nabavljena uz podršku Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM).
Sve veći izazov za Graničnu policiju BiH predstavlja otkrivanje krivotvorenih ličnih dokumenata i lažnih identiteta. Donirana specijalistička oprema će doprinijeti borbi protiv različitih oblika krivotvorenja i zloupotrebe dokumenata, efikasnije zaštite državne granice i povećanju opće sigurnosti. Donaciju je Draganu Kuliću, pomoćniku direktora za organizaciju i operacije Granične policije predala zamjenica direktorice za saradnju u Ambasadi Švicarske u BiH Chantal Felder. Primopredaji je prisustvovao i Peter Van der Auweraert, šef misije IOM-a u BiH.
„Oprema za provjeru dokumenata će pomoći Graničnoj policiji da podigne nivo sigurnosti u zemlji. Ova donacija je pružena u okviru migracijskog partnerstva između BiH i Švicarske, koje naše dvije države uspješno održavaju od 2009. godine. Švicarska će nastaviti da podržava BiH u ovim izazovnim vremenima,“ izjavila je Chantal Felder, zamjenica direktorice za saradnju.
Pomoćnik direktora za organizaciju i operacije Dragan Kulić, zahvalio je Državnom sekretarijatu za migracije Švicarske na donaciji. „Pripadnici GPBiH suočeni su s povećanom razinom rizika u obavljanju svojih dužnosti, pogotovo za vrijeme migrantske krize, te je od suštinske važnosti da imaju dovoljno adekvatne opreme kako bi se učinkovitije zaštitila državna granica. Ovim putem zahvaljujem Državnom sekretarijatu za migracije Švicarske, kao i direktorici za suradnju u Ambasadi Švicarske u BiH Chantal Felder i Peteru Van der Auweraertu, šefu misije IOM-a u BiH, na doniranoj specijalističkoj opremi Graničnoj policiji BiH te vjerujemo da će se ovakva uspješna suradnja, kao i dosad, nastaviti“, istaknuo je pomoćnik direktora Dragan Kulić.
Za više informacija, molimo da kontaktirate:
Edita Selimbegović, IOM Odjel za informisanje,
Switzerland donated valuable equipment for document authenticity verification to the BiH Border Police
(Sarajevo, November 27, 2020) – Today, the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) received the specialized equipment for document authenticity verification worth 220,000 KM donated by the State Secretariat for Migration of Switzerland. The equipment was procured with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
An increasing challenge for the BiH Border Police is the detection of forged personal documents and false identities. The donated specialized equipment will contribute to the fight against the various forms of misuse and forgery of documents, more efficient state border protection and increase of security in general. Deputy Director of Cooperation at the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH, Chantal Felder handed over the donation to Dragan Kulić, Assistant Director of the Border Police BiH. The handover was also attended by Peter Van der Auweraert, Head of the IOM Mission in BiH.
"The equipment for document authenticity verification will support the Border Police to raise the security level in the country. This donation was provided within the framework of the Swiss-BiH Migration partnership, which our two countries have maintained since 2009. Switzerland will continue to support BiH in these challenging times”, said Chantal Felder, Deputy Director of Cooperation.
Assistant Director for Organization and Operations, Dragan Kulić, thanked the State Secretariat for Migration of Switzerland for the donation. "Members of the BP BiH face increased levels of risk in performing their duties, especially during the migrant crisis, and it is essential that they have sufficient adequate equipment to more effectively protect the state border. I would like to thank the State Secretariat for Migration of Switzerland, as well as the Director for Cooperation at the Swiss Embassy in BiH Chantal Felder and Peter Van der Auweraert, Head of the IOM Mission in BiH, for donated specialized equipment to the BiH Border Police, and I hope that our cooperation will continue, as until now", said the Assistant Director Dragan Kulić.
For more information, please contact:
Edita Selimbegović, IOM Communication