
Representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Western Balkans region attended a two-day meeting on 19th and 20th of September 2017 in Budva on Cultural Sensitive Care of Victims of Trafficking in Mixed Migration Flows

Representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Western Balkans region attended a two-day meeting on 19th and 20th of September 2017 in Budva on Cultural Sensitive Care of Victims of Trafficking in Mixed Migration Flows. During the meeting, good practices were presented and exchanged experience in this field. IOM organized this activity in the scope of the project "Enhancing Counter Trafficking in Crisis in the Western Balkans", supported by U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP).


Predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz regije Zapadnog Balkana su prisustvovali dvodnevnom sastanku (19. i 20. Septembra) u Budvi čija tema je bila “Kulturalno osjetljiva zaštita/tretman žrtava trgovine ljudima u miješanim migracionim tokovima”. Tokom sastanka predstavljene su dobre prakse te razmijenjena dosadašnja iskustva u ovoj oblasti. IOM je organizovao ovu aktivnost u sklopu projekta “Jačanje borbe protiv trgovine ljudima u  kriznim situacijama na Zapadnom Balkanu”, podržanog sredstvima Ministarstva inostranih/vanjskih poslova SAD-a (J/TIP).